Wood County Notices and Events


    Wood County is requesting proposals for Lake Hawkins RV Park Lease Agreement by Commissioner's Court approval on September 29, 2023.

    RFP Packets are available by contacting:
    Wood County Commissioner's Office
    213 West Bermuda Street
    P.O. Box 1704
    Quitman, Texas 75783
    (903) 760-1007
    or the Wood County Website, www.mywoodcounty.com, under "Public Notice Information".

    Sealed Proposals must be received on or before November 15, 2023, at 2:00 P.M. and will be opened at that time.  Award will be on or before November 28, 2023. Court reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals.

    LEGAL REFERENCE:  Texas Local Government Code, Section 262.025

    Surety Bond Required
Tax Sale