Crime Victim Services

The mission of the Wood County Criminal District Attorney - Victim Services Division is to assist victims of crime by providing information, services, and support in an impartial, consistent and compassionate manner during their interaction with the criminal justice system.

Services We Provide

Victim services are free and confidential. The Wood County Criminal District Attorney – Victim Services Division provides the following advocacy and services:

Referral - Confidential referrals to any appropriate medical, counseling or social service agency including the East Texas Crisis Center.
East Texas Crisis Center hotline # 1-800-333-0358. Referral to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice – Victim Services Division for information about registering to receive information on a felon housed in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. See

Advocacy & Support - Court advocacy, escort and support during all stages of the criminal justice process.

Notification and Explanation - Case status notification for felony level prosecution pending in the 402nd Judicial District Court of Wood County, Texas. Assisting all crime victims with registration through the Texas VINE – Victim Information and Notification Everyday an automatic notification of court events and changes in county jail status. Victims may register confidentially with VINE toll-free by calling 1-877-TX4-VINE; 1-877-894-8463 from a touch-tone phone 24 hours a day.

Compensation - Assistance to persons applying for reimbursement through the Office of the Attorney General – Crime Victims' Compensation Division. For information and an online application for benefits see

Liaison - Maintain a working relationship with all law enforcement agencies and other service providers.

Crime Victims in Texas Have a Right to:

1. Be protected from further harm or threats for cooperating with prosecution efforts
2. Have the victim's safety considered in the setting of bail
3. Information about relevant court proceedings
4. Information about a defendant's right to bail and the procedures in a criminal investigation and in the criminal justice system
5. Provide pertinent information on the impact of the offense to be considered at the time of sentencing and parole
6. Information about the Crime Victims' Compensation Program
7. Information about parole procedures and to be notified upon the release of the defendant
8. Be provided with a separate and secure waiting area for witnesses at a trial
9. Prompt return of property held as evidence when it is no longer required
10. Have employer notified if testimony requires absence from work
11. Have counseling regarding acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS/HIV) if the offense creates the need
12. Be present at all court proceedings related to the offense, subject to judge's approval
13. Information and an explanation of these rights